Monday, March 7, 2011

February 28- March 7


Unfortunately, I have just had to write two long emails to president and the mission office and so I am short on time. However, I will try and make it good.

First things first, I had to write a letter to the mission office because we had a surprise baptism! It was not actually our baptism because we never taught her but Toni Robinson is married to a member in the ward and has been taught by the missionaries for quite some time. She is incredibly shy and has not had the courage to get baptised and confirmed in front of a huge group of people. Well, Rachel Coleman is a missionary who taught her about two years ago, moved back into the ward. They continued to be friends and Rachael helped her take that leap of faith and be baptised! Toni was able to be baptised and confirmed with a very simple service where only the family was invited and us!

This was a crazy week. We were very blessed again to have lots and lots of miracles. first transfer here in Wythenshawe I set up an appointment with a woman named Jenny. Unfortunately, after several attempts the appointments kept falling through. The other day we got a referral and it was for Joe. We confirmed a time with him and went to teach him. The appointment with Joe fell through. However, Joe’s wife Jenny was in and we were able to teach her and commit her to baptism, which she accepted. It just goes to show Heavenly Fathers great love for each one of his children!

We are currently teaching this man named Madhav from india. He is currently getting his masters and was born hindu. We found him walking on the street and asked him if we could walk to his home and teach him. He agreed and told us that he has always felt drawn to Christianity. He came to church this week and is dated for the 26th!

Another surprise, Nicodemus showed up to church! We have not been able to get a hold of him because he has had a crazy work scheduled. He came and apologised and said he wants to know what he has to do so that he can be baptised! We cannot teach him because of work but as soon as he gets his schedule figured out he will progress quickly.

We have begun teaching Nadia (martin’s girlfriend) again. She says that she has true desire to stop smoking and knows the church is true. She is dated for the 26th as well.

Liam is continuing to be amazing. We have really pushed to be able to teach his family and so hopefully will be invited this week!!!

The other catholic Indian family is incredible. They all work these crazy shifts so we are currently only able to teach them once a week. We watched the restoration DVD and they all felt the spirit and talked about how much power was in the message we were sharing. WE are teaching them on Saturday and so we hope to get them to church this Saturday.

WELL LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ALL. I cannot believe you are going to palo without me!!!! I guess you can always go again. Good luck with the wedding plans.


February 21-28


Wow, sounds like you are just having too much fun.

This has been a crazy crazy week. Elder Davis and I have been diligently following up, confirming appointments, setting up solid appointments , and seeking to find those who are prepared. By the end of the week we had 1 new investigator, many cancelations, and many failed attempts. It was rough. We even had confirmed lessons where we had gotten members to fall through. However, Instead of being discouraged we pressed forward with faith, praying mightily throughout the day that we would see fruit from our labors. By the end of Sunday night we were blessed to teach 7 more new investigators! The lord truly does answer prayers and reward us for our effort.

Liam is back in town and we have taught some very special lessons this week. He bore his testimony of Joseph Smith to us after watching 1st half of Prophet of the Restoration. There is nothing more rewarding than hearing somebody you have met on the street come to know what you are teaching is true. He is ready baptism and would be baptised tomorrow except the fact he has a partner. They are planning on getting married but an English wedding ends up costing 18,000£. I thought he was exaggerating but ended up asking some people in the ward and they agreed. Apparently they have not gotten the whole buffet in the chapel idea down yet over here. So we are working on figuring something out.

When I lived in Bolton there was a less-active named Latifa from Ghana. I had taught her once but unfortunately we lost contact and were not able to find her after that. Well a year later we knock on a few doors and the Lord leads us to Latifa. I had not recognized her but we set up an appointment thinking she was a potential investigator. We came for the appointment it fell through but her mother was in. We were able to set up another appointment with her when both of them would be in. Yesterday, we went and taught them both as well as Latifa’s cousin. At the end Latifa told us she had been baptised in Ghana but just got confused when she moved over to England. It was only after we left that I recognized who she was. She rang us up and asked us another question and that is when she told me she remembered me and we connected the dots! Alma 5:38 the lord knows his sheep and calls after them by name!

We were also blessed to teach this little family from India. They are Catholic and have been since birth but loved the restoration and accepted baptism. We look forward to how things will go with them. Unfortunately, they are working slave labour jobs and it is difficult to set up times but we are scheduled to see them in a few days.    

I am sorry there are so many miracles and stories to tell that i just cannot fit it into an email. I have slipped on my journal writing and will have to get back on that. I love love love you all and hope you are doing great!


February 14- 21


This has been a great week and I don’t know where to start. After reading all of your emails my brain is a little scattered because so many questions are popping up. However, I will try.

Okay so this week all of the District Leaders got together at the mission home for a DL council meeting. It was really great. I gave a presentation on how we can teach our district members to be exactly obedient. It went well I shared a story about one of the first exchanges I went on when my zone leader made us run 2 miles up hill just so we could be in on time! Not that much fun running but it did teach me good principles that have kept with me.

We have introduced this new family mission plan into the mission. We go and teach a lesson and each individual/family creates their own mission plan.  Well this week we have already begun to see fruit from the FMP. We were able to have tea and teach a member referral in the member’s home. The woman was someone whom the members befriended from the local take-away. After giving her a pass-along card she accepted to hear what we had to say!

We have been teaching quite a bit of new people and getting lots of new investigators. Unfortunately, getting people to church has been a little struggle so this week that will be our focus.  

Liam is gone on Holiday this week, hopefully to get engaged! Nicodemus started a new job and we haven’t been able to see him lately but things are still looking good.

The cupcakes you sent were soooo soooo sooooo GOOOOOOD! I gave them to the sisters and they made them for me! Such amazing woman. I have heard lots of horror stories about sister missionaries but all the ones in our mission are amazing!

Sorry if this letter has been so disjointed the man next to me is blaring this obnoxious music desensitizing his spirit! I will pray for him.

Alright well i hope you have a wonderful valentine’s day and I will speak to you soon!


DAD- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! congrats on the business i hope things continue to go well.

If you remember there was four of us that came to the EMM on feb 19th there are now only 2 of us, Elder Moss and myself. Elder Popagallo our Italian friend went home the other day not sure why someone said he had a problem with his leg... It was sad three of us got along great. Also, my old companion Elder Chambers sent me a WEDDING INVITATION. WHAT? He had a friend who he was writing but went home in October and is sealing the deal at the end of this month! Wow!    

MOM-who would have thought that a relief society president could be so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot think what to write because I am still laughing...good work. Send pictures of the wheels when you get them back!

Nicks ex-girlfriend is coming to the mission?! That is so exciting you can tell her that she is coming to the greatest mission in the world!  Is she the blonde?
I had no clue the Tillman’s got called to be mission presidents! That would be incredible if they came here.

Rowland’s ring is gorgeous is it blue or was that the picture? Way to go!!!

Feb 7- 14th

It has been, yet again, another great week. Elder Davis and I have been able to feel the promptings of the spirit direct us to those whom the lord has been preparing. Just last night we had prayed that we would be able to teach two lessons before a fireside at the mission home and receive at least one new investigator. All of our potentials fell through and so we started tracting. Shortly we got into the home of a Vietnamese man, taught him the restoration, and committed him to baptism. Our plans at that time were to go home and take a break; however, we felt prompted to continue tracting. Sure enough the next door we knocked we were welcomed in and able to teach another lesson!

The Vietnamese man and his wife, Kim, own a nail salon! What are the chances? The other couple who let us in were a couple from Iraq. They are Christians and here on a long term visa so we are able to teach them. We did not have the time to teach them the full restoration but we are scheduled to go back later this week! They were extremely kind and would not let us turn down a drink. Lucky us they had sprite (you can’t buy it in the normal stores)!  

Nicodemus was able to come to church this week for the second time and he is dated for baptism on the 19th of February. When we taught him, later in the week he told us that after leaving church (the first time) he had felt happier than he ever had before. He said it was hard to explain but a feeling came over him and he could not stop smiling! After hearing that I was ecstatic, however, I felt a little bad. I walked out of church thinking the talks were boring, priesthood was on pass along cards, and that he had to of hated church. Just goes to show that no matter what church is like it is the Lords church and the Spirit is there. We need to trust those in attendance will feel it.

Liam is also doing amazing he is like a best friend. We were able to sit down with him and have a serious heart to heart with our WML Brother Robinson. You have to love Brother Robinson he is hilarious, successful and just a very great man with a big heart. After speaking with Liam for a little bit he told Liam that he was an “idiot” and just needed to marry his girlfriend. Liam took it really well and is now figuring out the plans to ask. We met Laura, the girlfriend, last night and she was extremely sweet. I am sure in no time she will come to see the truth of the gospel!!!   

This has been quite a wet week! It has been a constant downpour since Wednesday. Growing up in Phoenix I thought when the clouds emptied the rain stopped. In England the clouds never seem to run out. I think it has rained more that it usually does in a year. My coat has been great and kept me nice and dry!

This week I was able to finish the Doctrine and Covenants. After reading this wonderful book I have had need to repent. Unfortunately, I had the notion that the D&C was dull and had few sections that pertained to me. Throughout the reading process I have learned how truly mistaken I was. There is not one section that I did not learn from. My testimony of the Gospel and of Joseph Smith has been greatly strengthened and I have gained a new love for the D&C. Now onto the Pearl of Great Price!

Family I love you and hope you are doing well! Look forward to hearing from you each week.